Smoldering, I burn you—burning you, I flare, hot and bright and fierce and beautiful.
Or this?
Welcome destruction, blood, and massacre. I see, as in a map, the end of all.Were those two lines from a Shakespeare play, or from a Batman comic?
You can put yourself to the test at Sporcle's "Shakespeare or Batman" quiz. You might be surprised at the answers. (I scored a measly 67%.)
After that, you can go on to quiz yourself in how many U.S. Presidents you can name in ten minutes. I somewhat redeemed my self-esteem for the paltry showing in the Shakespeare/Batman quiz by naming 36 out of 44 presidents. I'm not sure if knowing who James K. Polk is is a better thing than being able to name a Batman quote, but I take my comics quizzes seriously.
There are quite a few other comics-related quizzes at Sporcle, even quizzes relating only to DC Comics, if you want to take a look.
(Also sad: I didn't know what Captain America's real name was. Have I mentioned I want to go in to every Marvel movie completely fresh? Doesn't get fresher than that.)